Getting Your Practice Out There - The Power of Branding

These days, branding has infiltrated into nearly every aspect of our lives. Whether choosing a car to buy or simply tossing up between two cans of diced tomatoes, we’re all influenced by brands and our perceptions of them. This can also be said for healthcare practices.

In fact, this is particularly pertinent in the healthcare industry, as people are increasingly likely to search for practices on Google and shop around rather than return to the same clinician or practice. At the same time, brand loyalty benefits both the client/patient and the practice. The greater your understanding of your patient’s needs, the better equipped you are to provide them with quality services or treatment. And the better the care provided, the more likely a patient will return.

So, to develop strong brand recognition and build a base of return clients, it’s important to invest in branding your practice.

Not yet convinced? More benefits of giving your practice branding some attention include:

  • Encouraging and supporting word-of-mouth referrals can keep your practice front-of-mind when someone asks one of your clients for ‘a great doctor in the area’ or ‘somewhere to get their bad back checked out’.

  • Having a recognised brand image can generate confidence in the associated organisation.

  • You can use branding to target the clients you want to see, increasing your control over the types of clients booking.

  • Thinking further down the track, a healthcare business with a strong brand associated is much more valuable than one without when you’re looking to sell.

  • Looking to recruit? A well-branded clinic can entice potential employees– clinicians and admin - particularly when it presents a point of differentiation and highlights your company values.  

If you’re ready to begin/revisit your practice branding, we’ve compiled a few strategies below.

1. Develop your brand
A well-defined brand will maximise returns from your promotion efforts.

Start with a few foundational questions.

  1. Who are you?

  2. What do you offer?

  3. What’s your point of difference?

  4. What are your values and motivations?

Ensure your branding reflects these points to convey what lies at the core of your practice.

2. Identify your target audience
Reflecting on your answers from the previous section, determine who you want to target.

Is there a particular demographic or population group that you want to work with?

For example, you might want to work with families, seniors, or people with specific conditions or ability levels.

3. Put your branding everywhere!  
Reflecting on your brand and target audience, you can create a professional logo with distinctive company colours. And then, it’s time to get it out there!   

The more we see a brand, the more it sticks in our minds and the more likely we are to seek the associated products and services. So, the lesson is simple - include your branding at every opportunity. Some ideas include:

  • The front of your building/signage; clearly visible from the street.

  • On letterheads and email signatures.

  • On pamphlets, handouts or paperwork you distribute, including the notes clinicians give patients, like exercises or their treatment plan.

  • On team uniforms, name tags and door signage.

  • Integrating your company colours into the interior design of your practice - furniture, carpets and small touches like flowers and books.

While these may sound like simple and insubstantial additions, they can do a lot to reinforce your brand in patients' minds.

4.     Optimise your client’s experience
Branding goes beyond the physical. Your clients remember the complete experience of visiting your practice, which significantly impacts whether they return.

Some ways to support the client experience include:

  • Create a professional, informative and easily navigated website.

  • Build a solid online presence through Social Media.

  • Have friendly, efficient and engaged administrative staff to support them (and your clinicians!).

  • Offer talented, professional and passionate clinicians.

  • Create a welcoming and calming atmosphere in your practice; consider offering water and magazines, and ensure your space is well-lit and easily accessed.

  • Stay consistent and true to your values across all aspects of your practice, from the quality of care to the branding of documentation.

Your reputation is your most valuable asset; you can mould it with strategic and targeted branding. So, investing in your practice's branding is worthwhile and can significantly impact the growth and success of your healthcare business.

The Augmentum team provides a broad range of consultancy and management services, supporting healthcare business owners and decision-makers in many key areas, such as strategy development and action planning, building effective foundations and teams, keeping your finger on the pulse, and driving growth and success.

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