Choosing The Right Practice To Join

So, it’s time to decide which healthcare practice/s to join…

You know from your own experience and your colleagues that a practice might look great on the surface, or you might like the practice principal, but the reality of working in it can be quite different.

While you’re potentially seeking a position with them, it’s a two-way selection process. Plus, although you can change your mind down the track and go to another practice, it’s not ideal for building a patient base, continuity of care and your working experience in the interim. So, choosing as well as possible at the outset is important.

Further, for you to be happy and well supported in providing care, your decision needs to be based on much more than the financial arrangement of hourly rate or service fee percentage.

What you need are some objective measures to base your decision on…

What do you need? What are your goals?
Spend time considering what you’re looking for and need from a practice, plus your short- to longer-term goals. With this information in mind, you can create an objective list of requirements to help you evaluate your practice options.

Maybe you’re:

  • Sure that you want to settle in a particular geographic area.

  • Seeking specific clinical experience – depth or breadth.

  • Wanting to be able to buy into a practice in the near future.

  • Seeking flexibility of practice hours; maybe you want to work evenings or Saturdays or only want school hours.

  • Looking for a practice with a particular culture or approach to patient care.

  • Wanting to regularly interact with other particular types of clinicians for mutual support, professional development, etc.

These are, of course, just a few possibilities; needs and goals differ between individuals and at different times in their careers. Take the time to firm up what’s important for you before you make any commitments.

What resources and support would the practice provide?
These are areas that distinguish one practice opportunity from another. Where they stand on the following will make a big difference to your experience working with them.

Ask questions about whether they provide / support:

  • Marketing/promotion/business development

  • Intra-practice referrals

  • Mentoring

  • Professional development

  • Clinical support; such as nursing

  • Quality, experienced admin team members

  • Physical space/resources – appropriate to your care provision needs

  • Equipment – access to more standard, plus special items (what do you need to purchase yourself?)

  • Induction and training – practice policies and procedures, software, etc. – to you and other team members 

Are they interested in your personal needs and goals?

Interact with the whole team.
If possible, chat with other clinicians in the practice who’ve been in the position you’re in now. What’s their experience of working there? Pros and cons? Things they’d change if they could?

Observe interactions between team members – clinical and admin. Are these positive, supportive and mutually respectful?

How long have team members, particularly key ones like the practice manager, been with the practice?

Will you be comfortable in the practice environment? Will your patients be? As well as the physical features, it pays to review the vision, mission, values and goals of the practice and its principals for fit with you.

Listening to and observing support staff interactions with patients will also tell you a lot about the culture of the practice and whether their approach to care fits with your own.

In summary
Whilst the financial arrangement on offer is important, many other factors should also be considered. Before you make your decision, ensure you refer back to that list of requirements you made and reflect on your personal needs, wants and goals, as well as those of the practice.

If the fit is good from all angles, you’ll be set for a great relationship and to be a happy, well-supported and contributing practice team member.

The Augmentum team provides a broad range of consultancy and management services, supporting healthcare business owners and decision-makers in many key areas, such as strategy development and action planning, building effective foundations and teams, keeping your finger on the pulse, and driving growth and success.

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